Donated Earrings

Please do Donate your Lost Earrings to: Lime Arts, High Elms
Upper Park Road
, Manchester
M14 5RU Thank you FB Chandelier of lost earrings @summerhouseart

05 June 2011

Small spheres are in, large balloons out, this seasons colours, random

On Wednesday the 25th May 2011 we went back to the Yard, time to deflate the balloons.....we let them escape; chaotically they floated around, then almost immediately they started to pop. Hurriedly we rounded them up like bouncing sheep, back into the house. Clearly we had to deflate or pop them in the summer house, which offered a little sound proofing!

Yard flowers and plants watered and balloons down.....tiny disc like spheres balanced in random lines on the white table, standing to the attention, of what....?